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From the moment I could hold a crayon in my hand art became a passion!
I collect inspiration from the dandelions at my feet, the melody coming out of my speakers, stories that captivate my imagination, people I'm surrounded by, and the ultimate Creator of everything.

I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in 2016.  For my Senior Exhibition I created a body of work inspired by storybook characters using ceramics, bookbinding, and drawing, presented at the Baugh Art Gallery.  In 2017 I continued my education completing a Creative Writing course from Amarillo Community College.

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At the beginning of any project, I will grab my sketch pad or drawing paper to sketch or create gesture drawings.  Whether I'm wanting to just draw or need to brainstorm, I work my way up to the littlest detail.  I will grab a standard pencil, some dark shady charcoal, or have my hand at some beautiful color pencils.

As an Artist it is a daily challenge & goal to draw, sketch, and create.  Doing this everyday will continuously be a way for inspiration, skills, and motivation to grow!

I love the feel of wet clay on my hands and in between my fingers.  Throwing clay on the pottery wheel is the one artistic experience that always surprises me.

Handbuilding clay is my favorite go-to form.  I have come a long way from my very first piece I made as a child in kindergarten; a terra cotta bunny!

There is always a strong spiritual connection when working with clay; where man and creator all began.

"No grass or plants were growing anywhere.  God had not yet sent any rain, and there was no one to work the land.  But streams came up from the ground and watered the earth.  The Lord God took a handful of soil and made a man.  God breathed life into the man, and the man started breathing."


I have used oxidation, reduction, and raku kilns.

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As an Artist I grab inspiration from all over!  Trying to capture classic characters is always a great way to work on your skills.  Shout out to Disney, Dr. Suess, Nintendo's Super Mario Bros, and more!

I use a variety of techniques to get my paint onto the canvas.  Strategies range from going straight on to the canvas with a brush or sketching it before painting it.  I may look at a photo, still life, landscape or create something I imagined straight out of my mind.  My painting tools can be my fingers, pallet knifes, or my paint brushes.

Paper is a material of endless possibilities and creativity.  I don't want to only use the surface of the paper to draw or paint, but to make something out of it!


When a book is presented into your hands, write in it!  Draw, sketch or paint until the pages are full.  Journal, collage or scrapbook your thoughts & memories.  Bookbinding is a way to bring every story to life!  Books are a work of art!

Current artwork is in the making, so come back often and check it out!

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